Brave Edge Walkers
I describe the Somatic Sex Education global community as an eclectic group of diverse and brave edge walkers. Being a student in an international training institute for two years and now associated with two associations with global reach, I notice students and practitioners hail from and reside in areas all around the world. I also notice most students and practitioners have worked in a wide range of vocations and professions for several years prior to starting somatic sex education training. Of those persons known to me, the variety of vocational backgrounds include:
Yoga Instructor | Birth Doula | Oil Rig Worker |
Social Worker | Grade School Teacher | Chiropractor |
Life Coach | Acupuncturist | Family Doctor |
Youth Outreach Worker | Blackjack Dealer | University Professor |
Psychotherapist | Sex Worker | Tantric Practitioner |
Professional Musician | Reiki Master | Theater Actor |
Massage Therapist | Nurse | Martial Arts Instructor |
Dental Hygienist | Researcher | Cook |
Common to students and practitioners of this modality is the willingness to embark in leading edge work in a field that is still developing. And a willingness to be situated on the edge of normative sex education practice for the purpose of improving it. We often call ourselves brave edge walkers because we offer the use of touch and bodywork as one of our teaching methods.
One of our recently retired faculty members and ongoing community leaders, Caffyn Jesse, has written a book about our field of practice that is featured here in this blog post. It is entitled Healers on the Edge.
Also common to students and practitioners of this modality is the desire for best good for our clients and enthusiastic commitment to best service. I notice that we speak often about loving our work. That phenomenon alone makes this profession an anomaly. Based on all my years of experience in nursing and social service work, I don’t recall work enjoyment being a typical or frequent topic of conversation. In the somatic sex education community, there are several people who describe their work as a greater calling. I feel that way. I feel called to do this work.
If you decide to try out this modality for yourself in the role of client to improve your sex life, I think you will find that you have tapped into a unique community of practitioners that have your best interests at heart. And you will be guided with new and more robust ways to enjoy your sexuality. The bonus is that you would tap into a community of brave edge walkers.
I am Wendy Scheirich, a proud somatic sex educator from Manitoba Canada. The shared ethos of our modality is “Pleasure is Healing”.