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Pleasure is Healing

Training for Groups

Thank you for your interest in learning more about training opportunities for groups. Somatic sex education provides increased access to healthy sexual pleasure and sexual healing.

Training Topics

Our sexuality is a powerful life-force energy that blooms when we tend to it and honour its beauty. It shrivels and dies or gets distorted if we do not. The training we offer as somatic sex educators is one good way to tend to one’s healthy sexuality. It can be cultivated.

It’s our natural birthright to embrace and enjoy healthy sexuality to the fullest. It is beautiful, powerful, and unique for each person. For many people in today’s culture, it is shrouded in misinformation, silence, shame, and abuse. That was my story for many years of my life.


With the support of somatic sex education teachings, my rightful access to healthy sexuality in my life has been restored. And now I am positioned to offer these same teachings to others.

I am available to provide information or training for groups on several topics related to healthy sexuality and about my modality. Some of these topics include:

  • The basics of somatic sex education practice for curiosity by potential clients
  • The tenets of somatic sex education practice to improve access to increased sexual pleasure and healing in one’s personal sex life as a single person or as a couple
  • Information about somatic sex education for allied professionals seeking to expand their professional referral network as a resource for their clients
  • The somatic exercises commonly used by somatic sex educators for broad practical application by anyone wanting to improve somatic awareness and access to sexual pleasure in their life or for clients in their current bodywork, therapy, or wellness practice
  • The history of somatic sex education for those interested in learning about the origins and roots of this professional field in sexuality services
  • The pathway to a career in sexuality services as a certified somatic sex educator for allied professionals and others drawn to do this work
  • How somatic sex education can support healthy sexuality for persons with disabilities
  • How somatic sex education can support persons with sexual dysfunction or sexual difficulties
  • How somatic sex education can support persons wishing to explore gender and sexual orientation curiosities

My Target Groups for Training

Potential Clients

For those seeking greater sexual pleasure and sexual healing in their own lives, attending a training seminar about somatic sex education is a good way to learn more about the modality first before booking a session. It can help potential clients discern and decide if somatic sex education practice aligns with their values and learning needs. It also provides the opportunity for potential clients to get to know me better and feel into their sense of ease with me. This provides them with more information to base their decision about booking an individual or couples session with me.

Allied Professionals

Somatic sex education is a unique modality that offers a service unlike other professional services. Allied professionals can benefit from learning more about somatic sex education as a potential referral source for their clients and patients. Or learning about somatic sex education tenets can build capacity for their direct service to clients and patients. Together, we can form a mutual referral network and circle of support for our professional practices and provide better holistic service for our clients and patients.


Professional groups targeted as natural allies for somatic sex educators include:

  • Sex Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Advocates and Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities
  • Physicians
  • Medical Specialists
  • Nurses
  • Individual, Couple, and Family Counsellors and Therapists
  • Social Service and Outreach Workers
  • Alternative Health and Wellness Professionals
  • Energy Workers
  • Clergy and Spiritual Care Workers
  • Elder Care Specialists
  • Home Care Workers
  • Sex Educators
  • Sex Industry and Adult Entertainment Workers

Educators and Researchers

Somatic sex education places more emphasis on somatic (body-awareness) learning theory in contrast to the more traditional intellectual learning theories. The somatic approach to learning develops increased body-based wisdom for discernment and decision-making purposes. Increased somatic awareness and development of a deep sense of inner knowing results in embodied knowledge. Embodied knowledge offers more stability, nervous system regulation and confidence in oneself. Embodied knowledge can be applied for use in all areas of ones’ life, and not just in the sexual realm. Somatic learning is a powerful tool for creating greater autonomy, wellness and happiness in one’s life. Therefore, the basic tenets of somatic sex education practice are of interest to educators and researchers of all genres.  These include:

  • School Teachers and Administrators
  • Resource Teachers
  • University Professors and Researchers
  • Grassroots Researchers
  • Sex Educators
  • Wellness and Life Coaches
  • Early Childhood Educators

Journalists and Media Outlet Personnel

Somatic sex education is an innovative leading-edge modality. The modality is edgy in the way it is positioned, tittering on the very edge of normative. And it is edgy because it deals with the sensitive, highly charged, and controversial subject of sex. For these reasons, somatic sex education practice is attention getting and newsworthy.

Recently, this modality was featured in a Netflix series that moved it more into the terrain of notoriety and normativity with the release of Sex, Love and Goop. This new development is a positive step toward bringing our modality further into the normative world and making the practice better known and more accessible to the general population. Therefore, one of my target groups for attendance at training are journalists and other persons from media outlets who are open-minded, have a sex positive stance, identify as potential allies, and have an interest in covering stories about somatic sex education.

Potential Students

Somatic Sex Education is a new, exciting, and developing field of practice. Persons interested in exploring this field as a potential career choice can learn more about the larger global professional community, training program options, and the work itself. I am a member of the larger global community. I am certified by one of the training programs. And I am a current practitioner. I am positioned to offer first-hand information for other potential students interested in exploring this modality as a career choice for themselves.

Parents and Child and Youth Service Workers

The teachings of somatic sex education are appropriate for children and youth under the age of majority with parameters in place. Of course, there is no erotic touch involved when dealing with children and youth. Children and youth, unlike adults, are not legally able to provide consent for erotic touch. There are several teachings in our toolbox that are appropriate and useful for teaching children and youth about:

  • Somatic awareness skills to support positive body image and personal safety
  • Somatic autonomy skills to support assertiveness and self-confidence
  • Choice and voice exercises offers children practice in learning about touch that is wanted or not wanted and how to speak up about it. For example, when persons ask children for hugs or other physical contact, the child can be taught somatic awareness skills to guide their safe response to these situations
  • Talking openly about sex to support sex positivity and healthy attitudes about sexuality
  • Talking openly about a wide range of diversities to support a general acceptance of diversity such as gender, sexual orientation, body size and shapes, race, and persons with disabilities

I hired a sex educator to provide private sex education classes for my daughter. This was ten years ago before I was trained as a sex educator. I am available to parents or guardians or child and youth care workers who seek a sex educator to speak to children and youth about issues of consent and healthy sexuality.

Training Modality

Just like the practice itself, training in relation to somatic sex education can be talk-based informational seminars or touch-based experiential or demonstration-style workshops depending on the choice and preference of the participant group. The training is available for in-person formats or by using on-line platforms such as zoom. The training can be two hours, two days or somewhere in between depending on the needs of each group. Persons are asked to please be in contact with me to discuss training interests and requirements. And persons interested in training are also invited to sign up to receive my newsletter where new training opportunities will be posted.

In-Person Training Space

I have a comfortable and relaxing retreat-like training space in my home in rural Manitoba for small to medium sized groups. Or I can attend to other locations selected by my clients.

Training Rates

Please contact me by email for information about my training rates: [email protected].

Experience a Vitality Boost

Clients can experience an awakening or boost to their own erotic life-force energy by attending somatic sex education training sessions. Trainees are shown a pathway to greater vitality, pleasure, and happiness in life generally for both themselves and others they refer to the service. Learning how to be sex positive and pleasure focused has brought me more vitality in all areas of my life, including and far beyond the sexual realm.

Email me at [email protected] to inquire about training opportunities. Sign up for my newsletter to remain informed about upcoming trainings.

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