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Pleasure is Healing

About Me

Thank you for your curiosity about me and my practice as a professional somatic sex educator. Somatic sex education provides increased access to healthy sexual pleasure and sexual healing.

Pleasure Activist

I love to support pleasure experiences for my clients. My service is offered with loving presence and a full heart. I feel honoured to do this work; it feels like a special calling for me. I operate my practice as a social enterprise. It is a community service and a continuation of my long-time activism work in the feminist and anti-sexual exploitation movements. I aim to support pleasure orientation and to address sexual abuse, exploitation and inequality in our current societal structures and in many of our personal relationships. This is true pleasure activism work.

I believe that a healthy sex life and honouring the natural beauty of our erotic life-force energy is an inherent birthright. Erotic freedom is the reclaiming of personal power. Dominant society is still laden with scripts that perpetuates sexual silence, shame and repression and tolerates sexual abuse. This has a limiting effect on being present in our own authentic sexual desires and experiencing true intimacy and erotic joy with others. I’d like to help change that paradigm. I wish to support sexual sovereignty and our human right to enjoy healthy shame-free erotic pleasure on our own terms. This is true pleasure activism work!

‘Pleasure is a measure of freedom. It increases the amount of feeling-good time in our life. It decreases internal or projected shame or scarcity thinking. Pleasure quietens voices of trauma that keep us from our full sacred sensual life. Pleasure creates more room for joy, wholeness, and aliveness. Pleasure creates less room for oppression, repression, self-denial and unnecessary suffering in our life. It helps us to navigate equality in our relationships. Liberation is possible when we collectively orient around pleasure.’

These are thoughts expressed by Adrienne Maree Brown in her book Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good. This book has influenced my views about the power politics of sexuality and the power of pleasure as a tool for personal empowerment and social justice for all.

Somatic Sexual Health Educator

Simply looking for touch and massage for relaxation, comfort and pleasure? Feeling lonely and depressed and craving human touch? Involved in a sexless marriage or relationship? Feeling shy and awkward and lacking in confidence in matters related to sex and intimacy? Have little experience or success with sex and intimacy in relationships and seeking the chance to learn and practice? Having sexual dysfunction problems? Wanting to heal from sexual guilt, shame or trauma? I can help you with this full array of needs and desires in my role as a Somatic Sex Educator.

Somatic Sex Education is a modality that supports healthy sexual pleasure and somatic healing. Pleasure is healing; this ethos is one of the most important tenets of our practice. By guiding my clients to choose and ask for touch that gives them pleasure, healing naturally follows. My practice supports clients to name their sexual desires and ask for the touch they want in respectful and consensual ways that brings both pleasure and healing. Clear agreements and explicit consent for any type of touch received by my clients is what makes somatic sex education a safe container in which to experience both pleasure and healing. This is true sexual pleasure and sexual healing work.

“Somatic sex education can be an effective way to address sexual trauma. For survivors of sexual abuse and violence, navigating desire and communicating choice in highly-charged sexual exchanges can feel impossible. Somatic sex education provides an arena in which people receiving touch can stay safe and focused. They are encouraged to breathe into body sensation and decide, moment to moment, what their body wants. Body-based exercises and experiences help people unwind trauma from their cells. The clear boundaries and ethics of professional practice create a container for healing. Pleasure itself is healing. Learning to choose pleasure is key to erotic empowerment.”

Caffyn Jesse, Healers on the Edge. Caffyn helped me to understand an alternate and pleasurable way to heal sexual trauma. Caffyn is one of my main teachers and mentors in my somatic sex education training.

My Background

My background education and work experience include:

  • Registered Nurse in the area of Community, Mental and Sexual Health
  • Massage Therapist and Reiki Master
  • Social Services Professional specializing in Sexual Abuse, Exploitation and Violence
  • Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Yorkville University
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I am a woman hailing from the Canadian prairies who is happily married for forty years. Joe and I are parents to two adult children. We love to travel and explore new landscapes and cultures around the world. I am a long-time feminist, social justice activist and life adventurer.

I learned about sexual pleasure and autonomy later in life from a somatic sex educator in Vancouver. He helped me to overcome my sexual shame, repression and trauma and become the owner of my own sexual pleasure. He helped me to revive my sex life with my husband after a sixteen-year sexless marriage. Here I experienced for myself, the transformational powers of somatic sex education practice in the ‘receiving role’ of client. I felt the healing changes in my body and empowerment feelings in my mind that was brought about by attending just a few sessions of this modality. This is why I became a practitioner myself.

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